Critical Illness Program

Critical Illness Insurance is a supplemental product which lifts the burden of the financial and emotional stress associated with a critical illness diagnosis.  If a member suffers things like Life Threatening Cancer, Heart Attack, Kidney Renal Failure, Stroke or Coronary Artery Bypass Graft to name a few, a lump sum can be given to the suffering member while they are still alive.

Benefit Payment Conditions
Payment of benefits upon the first diagnosis of the critical illnesses listed below is subject to the following:

  • the Insured Person survives for at least 90 days after first diagnosis of Life Threatening Cancer and 30 days after first diagnosis of any other critical illness;
  • the diagnosis is made within Canada;
  • the diagnosis is made while the Insured Person’s coverage is in force under the policy; and payment is not precluded by any general or specific exclusion or limitation set forth in this policy or any failure to meet any condition precedent set out below.

Critical Illness (CI) Insurance is a supplemental product which can lift the burden of the financial and emotional stress associated with a critical illness so that that the victim and his/her family can continue to lead their lives in as normal a way as possible. It is a product for the living, providing living benefits, as opposed to typical life or accident insurance plans, which provide benefits when an Insured Person dies.